Yarshagumba is significantly uttered as a Himalayan viagra, because of its impact on the reproductive system and huge health benefits. It is used for clinical purposes and home remedies as well. Firstly, the medicinal properties of Yarsagumba were discovered in China around 2000 years ago.
The potentiality of Yarchagumba includes, but not limited to, strengthening lungs and kidneys, increasing energy and vitality, stopping hemorrhage, decreasing phlegm etc. Its impact on the reproductive system is also beneficial.
Yarsagumba is also used for impotence, backache etc. It also contributes to increased blood production and sperm production as well. Cordyceps or Yarshagumba also helps to cure tiredness, chronic cough and asthma, impotence, debility, anemia, to build the bone marrow, emission, soreness of knees, and Yarchagumba also helps to strengthen the immune system for tumour patients.
Yarsagumba is popular for medication purposes.
Sometimes, for the patients who are receiving Radiotherapy, Chemotherapy and deficiency syndrome, it is used. The medicinal properties of Yarsagumba are also beneficial in alleviating fatigue, respiratory problems, and other lung-related kidney-related issues. It also helps to combat infertility in women and also cures erectile dysfunction in men.
The use of Yarsagumba is also beneficial for cardiovascular problems, sexual health, irregular heartbeats, allergic issues, and developing a strong immune system.

According to WebMD, Yarsagumba or Cordyceps is beneficial for Anemia, Breathing disorders, Lung infections (Bronchitis), Cough, Decreasing fatigue, Dizziness, Frequent urination at night, Heart arrhythmias, High cholesterol, Liver disorders, Promoting longevity, Ringing in the ears, Weakness etc.
It also mentions that Yarsagumba can be beneficial for sexual problems that prevent satisfaction during sexual activity, a Kidney transplant. Also the Inflammation of the liver is caused by the Hepatitis B virus, Kidney damage caused by the drug cyclosporine.
Kidney damage caused by contrast dyes, Chronic Kidney diseases, Kidney injury caused by antibiotics etc is also cured by yarchagumba. However, it also mentions that there is not enough evidence for the mentioned problems.